Living a simple life requires intentionality and effort. In your daily busy life, it can be easy to get caught up in making money, acquiring stuff, working, and staying so busy that you forget the purpose behind all these things

However, when you practice simplicity and intentionally seek ways to live a simple life, you find yourself at peace with your choices and more fulfilled by what you have than you don’t. 

Here are 11 ways I designed a simple life for myself; you can implement these daily.

1) Define your goals

To live a simple life, you need to set attainable goals that will help you live with less. By doing this, you are focused on achieving your life goals. However, it will help you save more. 

For example, you can decrease food waste by planning meals and buying what you need for the next few days. You can also decrease the number of clothes you buy by rotating through the same twelve articles of clothing. You can also reduce screen time by unplugging from social media or limiting yourself to one hour a day.

2) Get rid of material possessions

Another way to simplify your life is by eliminating material possessions. Less clutter in your home and fewer things weighing you down can lead to more free time and stress relief. 

Consider listing things you don’t use or need anymore, then donating them or selling them on eBay. If it’s something you’ll need later, consider giving it away! You’ll be surprised how free it is to have fewer things weighing you down.

the ways continued.

3) Stop comparing yourself to others

It’s so simple to fall into the trap of comparing yourself with others. You look at people who seem to have it all and are convinced they have it better than you. It’s so easy to feel like you don’t measure up. 

But this isn’t true! It’s just an illusion created by social media and your insecurities. These people probably have struggles, too; they might not even be happy or fulfilled. 

So instead of focusing on their lives, focus on yours – what makes you happy? What things make your heart sing? What do you enjoy doing during your free time? Is there anything you’ve always wanted to try but have yet to get around to it? 

Start pursuing those activities today, one step at a time. Take steps towards living the life you want for yourself, and stop letting other people dictate how good or bad your life should be based on their posts.

Read also: Top 10 Things You Need To Develop Daily In Your Personal Life

the ways continued.

4) Spend time with loved ones

Valued time with loved ones can be one of the simplest pleasures in life. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or costly, but it’s something that you should do more often. 

Spend time with your spouse, children, parents or friends. You will feel refreshed and rejuvenated at the end of the day. 

5) Cook your meals

One of the best ways I live a simple life is by cooking meals. There are many benefits, including saving money, having more time, and learning new skills. 

The key to cooking your meal is ensuring you have all the ingredients, so do some grocery shopping beforehand. Remember that there’s no shame in eating leftovers or ordering takeout occasionally! And remember that it’s always possible to cook with fresh ingredients from local farms if you want to try something new. 

If you need to improve at cooking, don’t worry! There are endless YouTube videos out there that can teach you how to prepare even the most complicated dishes like risotto. You can find anything on this website, including mouth-watering recipes. 

Cooking takes practice, but it’s worth the effort because you’ll save money and know more about what goes into food production.

Read also: 10 Bad Habits That Are Holding You Back From Improving Your Life

the next 3 ways, you can implement these daily.

6) Do not multitask

Multitasking is when you try to do more than one thing at once. You often multitask because you feel like it makes you more productive. It can’t be further from the truth, and while it may seem like you’re doing many things at once, you’re only doing one task poorly. 

To live a simple life, make sure that you only focus on one thing at a time. Try turning off your computer or cell phone when you need to focus on something else or set the alarm so that you know when your break ends. By focusing all your attention on one thing, your productivity will soar and not feel overwhelming.

7) Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep will be the best thing you can do for your mental and physical health. Getting less than six hours of sleep per night can raise your risk of having a heart attack or stroke by over 40%. Sleeping will also help you stay focused, alert, and productive all day. 

If you need help figuring out how much sleep is appropriate, talk with your doctor about it. They recommend taking a test called the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). 

The ESS asks people to rate their likelihood of falling asleep in eight diverse situations on a scale from 0-3, where 0 means no chance and 3 means definite chance. Once you know how likely you would fall asleep in any situation, multiply the number by four to get your ESS score. 

The higher the score, the more likely you should be concerned about how much sleep you’re getting each night.

the next 3 ways I designed a simple life for myself; you can implement these daily.

8) Meditate

Meditating is one of the easiest and most effective ways to practice mindfulness and live a simple life. It’s free, takes no time, and you can do it anywhere! 

Try meditating for just five minutes every day. Pick a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed, and close your eyes. Focus on breathing in entirely through your nose and out through your mouth while repeating positive affirmations in your mind, such as I am calm. 

The best way to start meditating is with a meditation app like Headspace or Calm. These apps walk you through different meditation techniques, so you don’t have to figure it out alone. Meditation doesn’t have to happen only when we feel overwhelmed – try doing it a minute before bed each night. 

9) Do one thing at a time

One of the ways to live a simple life is to do one thing at a time. Doing this means focusing on what you are doing now and not worrying about what you must do later. 

It will help clear your mind to focus better and be more productive. It will also relieve some stress that has built up while thinking about everything that needs to be done. 

Finally, it’s just good practice for tackling challenges in life because there won’t be anything else to think about but the task at hand.  

10) Do not procrastinate

Procrastination is one of the worst things that you can do to yourself. It slows your progress and makes you feel like you only need a little time to complete something. 

However, if you push through and do the task right away, it will be a lot easier, and you won’t have any problems with it later. 

the ways continued.

Read also: 5 Easy Habits That Can Destroy Your Life & Best Way To Fix Them

11) Enjoy the moment

1. Take time for yourself every day. It means taking time for yourself before work, during your lunch break, or at the end of the day. 

Find some quiet time to relax and do whatever makes you happy, like reading, meditating, listening to your favourite music or talking with friends on the phone.

2. Sit down and enjoy one meal together as a family each day. Family meals are a great way to connect with loved ones and make lasting memories! 

3. Say no to things you don’t want to do. If someone asks if you want to go out with them, but it doesn’t sound fun, don’t feel bad to say no thanks. 

It’s important not to overextend yourself to please others because people will start expecting more from you than you can give. You’ll be happier when you focus on doing what is best for you and those close to you. 

4. Learn how to say no respectfully. When someone asks you to take on something new, tell the person why this isn’t the right time or opportunity for you. 

For example, I appreciate your offer and think it would be cool to try my hand at this new project. But unfortunately, I need to prioritize. Would there be another opportunity where I could have a crack?

Wrapping Up

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Ultimately, simplifying your life is the best thing you can do for yourself. You will be able to find more time in your day, feel less stress from daily life, and enjoy the things that you have. 

It may take some work at first, but with these eleven steps, it will get much easier over time.

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