
Top 7 Ways You Can Stop And Start To Build A Good Habit


Do you want to stop and start to build a good habit? If yes, then keep reading. Do you notice that at the beginning of the year, most people observe the tradition of making resolutions and pledge to commit to them? Well, it’s already the fifth month, and truth be told, the majority of people have failed to follow through with those resolutions. 

I believe no one has to wait until a certain time to start or stop a habit. Waiting until a particular time wastes time you could have used to make a reasonable amount of progress. You are not alone if you fall under the category of people struggling with their resolutions. It’s quite common to see that happening with a lot of people.

So below you will learn how to start building a good habit. 

Here are 7 ways to stop & start to build a good habit

1) Make A Firm Decision:

You need to make a firm decision that you will succeed at it and make affirmations. Deciding it is the first step to succeeding at it.

2) Have A Strategy:

A strategy on how you plan on making it work has to be in place. Set goals, write them down, and the steps you will take to achieve them.

3) Take Small Steps: 

You also have to take it easy on yourself to achieve this. Don’t juggle too many habits so you don’t get distracted. Focus on one, and succeed at it. That encourages and boosts your confidence, then you channel that energy to another habit.

Read also: 6 Real-Time Strategies to Burn Fat Fast & Healthy

4) Avoid Exceptions:

Don’t make exceptions. They should never be an excuse for not doing this at a certain time or place. No matter what, you have to follow through. Discipline yourself.

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5) Accountability:

Track your efforts, and notice when you slacked and why it happened. Tell people about the decision you have made. Because it makes you conscious and know they are watching to see if you have the willpower. It will encourage you to try harder.

6) Reward Yourself to build a good habit:

When you make progress, reward yourself for it. It doesn’t make the process only exciting but gives you something to look forward to which is also encouraging.

7) Visualize The Perks Of Succeeding:

Always try to visualize what it will be like once you start or stop this habit. For instance, the benefits of losing weight and how it will make you feel. You can take it further by writing why you are doing this and keeping it where you can see it daily. Another example is that a person who wants to quit smoking can write, “I need to stop smoking so I can be healthier and live longer for my family“. It will serve as motivation.

So What?

Bear in mind that the journey will be challenging, and there will be obstacles along the way as you build a good habit. So, take preventive measures to overcome them. The environment, family, friends, or anything can make you quit, but prepare for this and you will see yourself succeed at it.

The speed of a new habit pattern development is largely determined by the intensity of the motive that accompanies the decision to begin in a particular way.

Brian Tracy

That is why you started to motivate yourself to succeed at it.

Thanks For Reading

I hope this piece of content adds value to you! Are there any other ways to stop and start building a good habit? Let us know in the comment below and share with your friends and family.

Maryann Nnaji: Maryann is a wife, mom, and professional chef. A serious lover of God, music, passionate about a happy family, and a motivational blogger. With a passion for helping you improve in life, knowing that with Christ Jesus, everything is possible.

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