Have you ever felt you’re shouting your desires into the void, but the universe isn’t listening? You’re not alone, and it might be because of one crucial mistake you’re making.

However, manifesting through communication with the universe is not just powerful; it’s potentially life-changing. When done correctly, it can bring about incredible results, opening up a world of possibilities. But so many of us struggle to tap into this limitless potential, and it’s because we’re not using our voice effectively.

So, the truth is that your voice is a powerful tool that can shape your reality. The words you speak, the intentions you set, and the emotions you feel all profoundly impact what you attract into your life. However, this article will explore how to use your voice to manifest your deepest desires.

So, by the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to speak to the universe in a way that gets results. You’ll learn how to overcome common obstacles, tap into the principles of manifestation, and unlock the secret to making your wildest dreams a reality.

So here’s the challenges a lot of you face when trying to manifest

So many people struggle to manifest their goals because they’re trapped in doubt and negativity. They try visualising their desires, but their inner critic tells them it will never happen. They try to affirm their intentions but don’t believe it’s possible.

Or they may be unclear about what they want. Furthermore, they wish for vague concepts like happiness or success without defining what that means. They are not specific or straightforward, so the universe does not know what to deliver.

However, others are struggling with low self-worth, feeling like they’re not worthy of achieving their dreams. They’re held back by fear of failure, success, or fear of the unknown.

Meanwhile, some people are trying to manifest from a place of desperation, feeling like they need their desires to be fulfilled to be happy. They’re coming from a place of lack rather than abundance.

And then some are not consistent. You try to manifest one day but then give up the next. They don’t have a daily practice; they need a clear plan, so they don’t see any progress.

But here’s the thing: manifestation is not magic; it’s a skill that can be learned. And the best part? Once you know the principles, you can apply them to anything you desire. It’s a journey, but it’s entirely within your reach.

Here are the 4 principles of manifestation with Bible references through the universe:

The first principle of manifestation is that your thoughts create your reality.

Proverbs 23:7 states, “As a man thinks in his heart so he is” Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, and now we will make man; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have powers over the fish, birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.”.

Now let’s refer back to the first bible reference in Proverbs, which is as simple as anything you think in your heart, so you’re. So, what do you think? Is it negative or positive? That is what you will attract, however, back to the second reference in Genesis. God was focusing on creating man, which was his thought, and that was what God did, and that’s why we exist.

So, my question now is, what do you always focus on? What you focus on, you attract into your life. So, if you’re focusing on what’s lacking, you’ll attract more lack. But if you focus on what you already have, you’ll attract more abundance.

The second principle is that your emotions are the fuel that drives manifestation.

However, Isaiah 41:10: “Don’t be afraid- I am with you! Let nothing terrify you! I will protect and save you.” Philippians 4:4: “Always be joyful. I repeat it: rejoice!”

According to Isaiah, do not be afraid. So I ask you, what are you afraid of? What scares you? Back to the Philippians, always be joyful. What stops you from being joyful?

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Your emotions are what give the energy and momentum of your desires. So, if you’re feeling negative emotions like doubt or fear, you’ll attract more of the same kind. But if you’re feeling positive emotions like excitement or gratitude, you’ll attract more positivity into your life. Your desires will rain so heavily that people will know things are happening.

The third principle is that visualisation is critical in manifestation.

Jeremiah 1:11: “God asked Jeremiah what can you see?” “Genesis 13:14-17 look carefully in all directions. I will give you and your descendants all the land you see, and it will be yours forever.”

Note that you need to see yourself already possessing what you desire. If it’s burning in your heart, God put it there. You need to be able to see, feel, smell, taste, and touch it. In this aspect, meditate as often as possible because it will help you achieve your desires.

The fourth principle is that you need to let go of attachment.

Psalms 37:4-5 “Trust in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desire.” Romans 8:28: “All things work together for good for those that love God.” You need to trust that the universe has your back and that everything works in your favour. You need to trust that what you desire is on its way to you and that it’s just a matter of time.

When you combine these principles, you get a powerful formula for manifestation. You speak your desires into existence; you visualise them, feel the emotions, and let go of attachment.

Here comes a personal testament to the power of speaking to the universe

When I relocated to the UK, my husband had been there for two years before I came with the children. When I came to the UK, my people, I mean my parent, had no idea I was in the UK; they thought I was still in Italy, but up until six months after I came, then I had to call them and tell them that I am in the UK now. Then, my younger sister told me that her husband’s brother travelled to the UK.

Read also: Mindset Makeover: How to CRUSH Limiting Beliefs.

So I asked my sister where in the UK he lived and she said she didn’t know. However, since then, whenever I go to the bus station, I will see my in-law here one day. So, I kept anticipating, and I believed it that way until I saw the wife one day. I haven’t met her in person, only on Facebook that I saw her picture. Then I stopped and was looking at her coming towards me.

When she looked and stopped and was trying to figure out if she knew this face, she remembered my sister, and she called me by my name, and we hugged each other at the same bus station I always thought. I met her husband in the same bus station. And that’s the power of your thought and what it can create for you. It is just the tip of the iceberg. I have many testaments to share, but let’s leave it here.

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So, what’s the most impactful technique for manifesting through speaking to the universe? Well, it’s pretty simple. You see, most people try to manifest by stating what they want, but they do it from a place of lack. They’re saying, “I want a car,” or “I need a job,” and that’s not very powerful.

What’s more powerful is to state what already is. To say “I have a car” or “I am that,” because that’s speaking from a place of abundance. That’s speaking from a place of already having what you desire, and that’s what the universe responds to.

For example, if you want to manifest a new car, instead of saying, “I want a new car,” you would say, “I am worthy of driving a brand new car that brings me joy and freedom.” You see, the first statement is coming from a place of lack, but the second statement is coming from a place of already having what you desire.

This simple technique has proven highly effective for many people. It’s a technique that can be applied to anything you desire, from wealth and success to relationships and health.


In summary, speaking to the universe is a powerful way to manifest your desires. It’s not just about asking for what you want but about speaking from a place that already has what you desire. It’s about trusting that the universe has your back and that everything works in your favour.

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Remember, the power is in your voice. Use it wisely, and you’ll be amazed at what you can create.

If you’ve had any experiences with manifestation, please share them in the comment below. Please subscribe for more content on manifestation techniques, and check out my other post on overcoming limiting beliefs that hold you back from manifesting your desires. Thanks for reading, and I will see you in the following post.

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