Why do you want to make the world a better place? Do we all have a responsibility to do so? And how can I make the world a better place by investing in others? Yes, you can. Also, do you know that people want a feeling of importance from you and me? And “everybody likes a compliment.” Also, everyone longs to be appreciated.

How to make the world a better place is by giving people a feeling of importance

Meanwhile, people sometimes develop a disability to win sympathy and attention and gain importance.

Do you know that sometimes people go insane just for them to feel that importance? And if some people are hungry for a feeling of importance, they go insane to get it. Also, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people a sense of importance.

Let us learn to speak words that will transform other people’s lives. We develop the best in people by giving them a feeling of importance and encouragement. Also, nothing kills a person’s ambitions like criticism from superiors.

Read 12 Best Tips on How to Love Yourself You Need to Know.

If they don’t like something, they bawl out; if you want it, they say nothing. That is what ordinary people do. But it is not supposed to be so. We should learn to praise people publicly and privately, and even if the person did something severe, we should not criticize but find something to compliment the person.

How to make the world a better place by giving honest appreciation

Also, do you know one of the reasons marriages fail? It’s a lack of appreciation. We often take our spouses, children, families, and friends so much for granted that we never let them know we appreciate them. Also, if you know what showing appreciation can do for you, you will never stop showing sincere appreciation to people. And people long for appreciation.

You nourish the bodies of our children, friends, families, and employees by providing them with all kinds of food to build energy. But you neglect to give them kind words of appreciation that would sing in their memories for years like the music of the morning stars. Also, sincere appreciation can change a person’s life.

Read also: 13 Best Ways To Protect Yourself From Toxic People.

Here’s how Stevie Morris developed His talent by honest appreciation

You all know our famous musician Stevie Morris, Stevie Wonder, was asked by his teacher to help her find a missing mouse in the classroom. As a result, she appreciated that nature had given Stevie something no one else in the room had. But nature had given Stevie great pairs of ears to compensate him for his blind eyes.

But do you know what? It was my first time showing Stevie appreciation for those talented ears. And that act of gratitude began a new life for him. From then on, he developed his gift of hearing and became one of the seventies’ great pop singers and songwriters.

Read also: 6 Reasons for Envy and How to Overcome Envying Others.

Difference between honest appreciation and flattery

Now, I know some of you will say appreciation. Yes, I mean sincere appreciation, not flattery. Also, some people are so hungry and thirsty, for liking that they will swallow anything. And I don’t mean flattery. But do you know what flattery will do to you? Flattery will do you more harm than good. So, what I mean is this; flattery is counterfeit, like we have counterfeit money. Yes, it will eventually get you into trouble if you pass it to someone else.

So, do you know the difference between sincere appreciation and flattery? It is simple

  • One is genuine, and the other is insincere.
  •  One comes from the heart, and the other comes from the teeth.
  •  One is unselfish, and the other is selfish.
  •  One you admire, and the other widely condemned.

The real meaning of flattery is: that it tells the other person precisely what he thinks about himself.

Read also: 4 Ways You Can Get More Appreciation While Spending Less.

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How to make the world a better place by investing your time thinking about other people good point

In addition, when you are not engaged in thinking about some definite problem, you spend about 95% of your time thinking about yourself.

Now, if you stop thinking about yourself for a while and begin to think of the other person’s good points, you won’t have to resort to flattery. So, people can spot cheap and false flattery before it is out of the mouth. And one of the most neglected virtues of our daily existence is appreciation.

Somehow, it would help if you praised your son or daughter when he or she does something good. Also, it would be best to encourage your children when they do creative things for the first time. Nothing pleases children more than parental interest and approval.

Most people find it hard to speak to the chef when eating an excellently prepared meal at a restaurant, even in offices, shops, factories, and with families and friends. Also, in your interpersonal relations, you should always remember that all your associates are human beings and hunger for appreciation.

So, leave a friendly trail of little gratitude sparks on your daily trips. And there’s this particular saying; “If you praise someone for what they did, they will have more strength to do more.”

In Conclusion

However, honest appreciation got results where criticism and ridicule failed. Therefore, anything you can do or any kindness you can show to any human being, start to do it now. And that is why I learn from every person I meet because they are my superior in some way.

My final take on this is to cease thinking of our accomplishments and wants and try to figure out the other person’s good points. Also, please forget flattery and give honest and sincere appreciation. Most importantly, be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.” People will cherish your words and treasure them and repeat them over a lifetime, even years after you have forgotten them.

Thanks for reading!

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