What questions about marriage would you like to ask? But let me ask you, what do you think marriage is all about? For me, marriage is all about sacrifice!

Marriage is where you show love in different ways, both big and small. Why is this important? It is crucial because in today’s marriages do not last anymore.

For instance, if you own a business you want to be successful, what to do; is marry your business. Bring time for it and many other things you will sacrifice for that business.

That is the same thing in marriage. What you give is what you get. In marriage, there must be a reason behind every sacrifice you make. So, to be happy, you have to work towards that.

Two crucial questions you should know the answers to before getting married. Because if you do not have answers to these questions, you are not ready for marriage.

Are you ready? Let’s go there!

Here are two important questions about marriage:

1. What does marriage teach you?
2. What does a marriage cost you?

Here is the #1 Question about marriage What does Marriage Teach You?

  1. Love/real commitment
  2. Forgiveness
  3. Time
  4. Sharing

1. Love/Real Commitment

For you to be in a marriage in the first place, you must have loved the person you are marrying. If not love, you will at least like the person the first day you see them.

Love is one of the lessons marriage teaches us.

And talking about love, love is all about sacrificing everything. I learned that some people don’t know that; loving someone is foregoing everything. Not at all! Because if they realize it, they will never go into marriage in the first place. I said this for those who go into marriage thinking all about getting only.

For you to be in a marriage, there must be commitment.

In a real marriage, there must be a real commitment. Talking about real commitment, it’s all about offering yourself up in a big and small way. That is what marriage is all about.

So, bear that in mind before getting married. Or before entangling yourself with someone in the name of marriage.

2. Forgiveness

Marriage also teaches us to forgive after we are been hurt. In the journey of marriage, you will always experience hurt, that is sure.

No matter how lovely your marriage seems, you will experience that hurt. That is natural because we are human. We are not God. We are bound to make mistakes.

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If anyone tells you that their marriage has never experienced hurt is a big lie.

So, forgiving your spouse whenever they wrong you is vital. And I want you to remember you are not perfect. Because if you have that in mind, you will always forgive your spouse.

So, forgiveness is a vital tool for a successful marriage.

3. Time

Being in a marriage is another world of its own. Yes! For that marriage to work or have that perfect marriage, you have to give all your time. When I say give your time is not giving partial time. I mean all your time.

Do you know the kind of time you invest in your business when you are still starting up the business? Yes! That is the time you must invest in your marriage if you want to succeed.

You have to give time even when it is not convenient for you. For instance, you are at work, and even after you return from work, whether you like it or not, you must tidy up the home. So, you see, it is not easy being in a marriage.

The most important one is time together. Why do I say? Because in a marriage, if there is no time together (between the spouse and the kids). There is no happy home!

4. Sharing/Giving

For sure, you must share if you love your partner. Partners that do not love themselves are the ones that do not share. As simple as that.

In marriage, it shouldn’t always be about I or ME. It’s about WE, and it is also about you giving your partner the piece of food (what you have) for them to enjoy.

It also shares what you have in your heart instead of holding it back. By opening up to your partner whom you say you love.

If you are mature enough, you will ask these questions about marriage: what am I supposed to do? am I giving up on this relationship? etcetera,

As I said above, marrying someone is to forego everything in love commitment. It only means when you share what you have, they also share what they have.

Related Post: 6 Ways On How To Keep Your Marriage

here are the #2 questions about marriage What Marriage will cost You:

Talking about what marriage costs, what is it that comes to your mind? Do you think marriage is all about what you have spent on your wedding?

Nah! Another thing is that the society we are in today has made everything go so wrong. They don’t tolerate anything less, and also that marriage is what makes you happy. Once you are not contented, you can abandon the marriage; and give up on love. And that is very wrong.

They don’t even ask these questions about marriage.

In marriage, the more you give, the better you will be. Real love will always cost you more. Being in a real marriage will cost you your time, heart, comfort, pride, right, and all you invest in your commitment. That is why, before marriage, you must consider these things first.

It also teaches you to lend your ears to your partner even when your eyes are deep in sleep. Another thing is it also teaches us that we must learn to make sacrifices.

It also makes you put your partner’s needs first before your own. And give their desire more importance.


So, to finish, the questions about marriage teach that you respond with love even when you are boiling in anger.

These are the things that will help your marriage last. Remember that the more you give, the more you receive.

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Avatar juliuslovely

    This is lovely i am learning now… thank you Glamour for my eyes on how to go about Marriage.

    • Avatar god's word in our lives

      You are welcome dear.

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