Do you think there are recipes to achieve success in life? Maybe the question should be, what are the ingredients for success? However, have you ever asked if you will ever make it? Especially in a world like ours where everybody seems to value degrees and titles above everything else? Most importantly, you need to know the secret to success and you are going to learn all about that as you continue to read on.

Yes, there are ingredients for you to succeed in life, which I will list shortly.

So, here are the 3 ingredients you need to achieve success in life

  1. Hard work Pays
  2. Knowing what you don’t know,
  3. Asking for help.

1. Hard Work Pays

In this particular aspect, I have seen two categories of people which are;

1. People who believe that hard work pays.

2. People who don’t believe that hard work pays.

I must tell you that hard work alone doesn’t guarantee success, but a lack of hard work guarantees failure.

You see, I don’t know where you are in your career. Whether you are just starting or considering a great change in your life. I will always want you to remember to combine hard work with smart work.

By getting closer to people who can add value to your skills. Also, never waste mistakes; use them to build yourself.

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2. Knowing What You Don’t Know

Do you know why I chose the answers? Because I have found out that Intelligence has been overrated as an ingredient for success. Speaking from experience, intelligence has often made many people lazy, overconfident, and even proud.

Asking For Help

Also, I found out that the most successful people in any field are those who ask for help. Because they know what they do not know and work hard for it.

And there is another tip I will be adding to these that play a big role in achieving success: making wise decisions.

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Making Wise Decisions

I would love to ask you, would you consider yourself a decision-maker? You need to know that we all make decisions every day of our lives. As for me, whether big or small, significant or insignificant, decisions confront us every day. And there is no running away from them either. 

Do you even know that indecision is a decision? Yes. That is why I always let you know that when the time comes to make up your mind on something. Don’t think that putting it off will make it any easier for you.

Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and still, you have to decide what to do.

Lewis C.S

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So, you see that you must decide afterwards, no matter how long it takes you to stop.

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Moreover, I noticed that some people take longer than others to make up their minds. I do not know if you have noticed that! It is not because they want to ensure their choices yield the best results. But because of fear of the consequences of a bad choice. Also, it might be fear of criticism, failure, or losing money or power.

From my experience, it’s not hard to make decisions when you know your values. Yes, look at your values and use them consistently until you are hardly conscious of the process. And that is it.

Thanks for reading

So, I hope this piece of content added value to you? If there are other ingredients to achieve success, let us know below, and remember to share them with your gang of friends and family.

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