
6 Reasons for Envy and How to Overcome Envying Others


Have you ever envied anyone? Or are you envying others? If yes, do you have peace of mind? Do you feel happy when you have this feeling? It is prime because this feeling can cost us a lot of emotions and also cost us our friends and relatives. The downside is that you are never happy with what you have.

So, I guess this interests you, which is why you are reading this now. Let’s start by telling you what envy is all about.

What Is It to Envying Others:

It is when you want what they have. That is envy. It is not only material possessions that people envy. People envy others who are well-regarded, influential, admired, and successful. It’s also feeling inferior to another person.

I know you will be asking why people envy you. But let me ask you. Why would someone hate to see someone else happy or feel bad whenever he sees the person doing well? Do those who envy do it because they are bad people? Or is there any other reason behind this envy?

In short, envy does not root in hating others or even being evil. But they are usually rooted in the inferiority feelings you

experience when you see someone else doing better than you. But I would also like to tell you that not all people envy.

So, before continuing, I would like to talk about the types of envy.

Here are the Types

#1 Malicious Envy
#2 Benign Envy

Malicious envy

This type of envy focuses on the person who’s achieved the envious things. And it is like resentment, annoyance, and inaction. Wishing that they do out of the wished-for thing.

Benign envy

In this case, it is more general. Those who feel this generally think that the envied person deserves the achievement. They don’t feel hatred toward the person. But they generally target their envy towards the envied object itself, not the person who got it.

So, now that you have known the two types of envy. Now, let’s dive into the triggers or the causes of jealousy! I will be frank with you that many things can trigger envy. So, let’s go into detail about what and what triggers envy.

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Here are the Triggers / Causes

#1 Social Comparison
#2 Fertility
#3 Relationship
#4 Self-Evaluation Maintenance
#5 Physical attractiveness
#6 Money


Today, a study found that social media is one of the causes of envy. As individuals post photos filled with filters at their happiest moments, we all have it. Instagram users who experience envy of their friend’s activities and lifestyle will be likelier to feel envy.


Here is another reason that can be a provocative cause of envy between women: Once one woman has children and the other is yet to get pregnant after many years of marriage, fertility leads to envy or jealousy among women in general.

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If you have the priority of having a romantic partner, but you end up with discrepant relationship statuses while your friend is in a romantic relationship, that can trigger deep envious feelings.

It often happens to men and women alike. They share their sadness and bitterness about their friends who have something while they don’t.


You see, people always strive to maintain positive self-affirmations. If one is more fortunate in a less relevant area, it will trigger envy within them.


In this area, people with low self-esteem often magnify their

shortcomings and they like to envy their attractive friends.

Physical attractiveness can trigger envy in friendships. Above all in social circles, in which appearance is admired more.


I cannot end this without mentioning money. Hmm, money matters a lot. Money can contaminate a friendship. If one of them brings in cash or has access to plenty of it, the other person lives from hand to mouth. Money can trigger envy when the person has money to throw around.

So, now that you have known what triggers envy or jealousy. Let us dive deep and also learn how to avoid envying others. Yes! You can achieve avoid envying others that I know.

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Here are a few tips on How To Stop / Avoid Envying others

You can avoid or stop being envious of others. And this is the best decision you will ever make. I must tell you this; there are so many ways you can stop or avoid envy, but I will list a few below.

#1 Gratitude
#2 Emotional awareness
#3 Relationship
#4 Well-being


Gratitude is a valuable tool for those who wish to avoid or stop envying others. Being grateful for the things you have will help you overcome envying others. Rather than being envious of things you don’t have.


In this aspect, being aware of envy is very important. The truth is, do not pretend about the emotions of envying others. Meditation is a vital tool to enhance emotional awareness to avoid envying others.


To avoid envying others, you can be in a relationship with others to eliminate negative feelings. You can be in a relationship with other friends, coworkers, classmates, and relatives.


It is good to realize the harmful effect of envy on our well-being. It is good to remember your well-being, and it will likely help us overcome envying others.

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So, now that you have to know what envy is, the two types of envy, the triggers of envy, and how to overcome envying others.

If you still feel the emotion of envying others, then I recommend that you put into practice all that you have read in this article.

First, on how to overcome or avoid envying others. So, remember your health and happiness depend on you, so make the right choice. Let me leave you with this quote.

Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. But whoever envies others does not get peace of mind.


Thanks for reading

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Maryann Nnaji: Maryann is a wife, mom, and professional chef. A serious lover of God, music, passionate about a happy family, and a motivational blogger. With a passion for helping you improve in life, knowing that with Christ Jesus, everything is possible.

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