
17 Best Tips for Making a Long-Distance Relationship Work


I have heard people say they cannot be in a long-distance relationship because the chances of it working are slim. So, my question to you is: Do you believe in it? If yes, are you in any long-distance relationship now? Don’t be discouraged if you are already in one or considering the option. I want to tell you that a healthy long-distance relationship is possible.

So, some experts say; it’s healthy for a relationship to begin when two people live in different places.

However, an anonymous source also said that if you want to live together, you must first learn how to live apart.

Moreover, nobody said it would be easy, yes, that I know. I want you to know that it will be emotionally challenging. And the extra distance may make some things unachievable. But with determination, good communication, and the right attitude, you can make it work—I promise you!

Here are 17 tips on getting it right in a long-distance relationship:

1. Good Communication

This is important because I cannot overemphasize this. You need to update your partner on your life and its happenings regularly. The mundane things are as important.

Frequent communication shows you care enough to put time and effort into the relationship. It’s easier to keep up to date with each other’s lives. If days pass by and gaps increase, the everyday experiences fade into the background. And so, you get to start from scratch, which is not ideal.

Also, be deliberate in your choice of words. It’s vital to delve into details. Don’t just say you went for a birthday; tell him/her details about things that happened, like friends you met. Have intimacy-building conversations.

2. Utilize Social Media

In this age of the social media boom, handling a long-distance relationship just got easier. Social media apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Couple, Avocado, and Kanoodle have made it easy.

So, texting, chatting, and video calls are now convenient. And you have to know your partner’s preferred mode of communication. Use it to your advantage as long as it doesn’t inconvenience you. I suggest you use more video calling because it’s more convenient for the situation.

3. Set A Goal Together

There should be a time plan, an agreed-upon length of time you plan to be apart. The time limit removes hopelessness and makes it easier for both of you. Remember to be clear about the end goal; it builds the commitment between you two.

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4. Have A Deep Level Of Trust 

Trust is the foundation on which relationships are built. You need to trust your partner totally and avoid creating problems. A broken trust wears out the relationship. So, never give your partner a reason to doubt you.

5. Be Brutally Honest

I must tell you this: Honesty builds trust. Be open and sincere. Honesty stretches to things or attitudes you dislike about your partner. But you must not manage it; you must be sincere to avoid issues when you eventually meet one.

6. Know Your Schedule

When you know your schedule, you can work around it. If you are too busy to communicate, inform your partner, and don’t leave him/her guessing.

7. Do Things Together 

Strengthen the bond between you two by doing things together. Things like a hobby, reading a book, watching a movie, or listening to songs. Also, fuel your romantic side, write each other love letters, and poems. And he/she can wake up to a video of you expressing how much you love him/ her. Also, be creative and watch how much you bond despite the distance.

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8. Don’t Go Overboard 

I suggest not spending hours chatting or talking with your partner, and other aspects of your life suffer. That can be damaging. The goal is quality, not quantity. Studies showed that although couples nearby spend more time, the quality of the conversation in a long-distance relationship is higher.

So, don’t put your life on hold. You have to take advantage of the time you have and improve other aspects of your life, like your personal goals, work-life balance, etc., while your relationship is growing.

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9. Keep Good Friends And Family Close

You need your loved ones around you, especially when you get lonely or miss your partner. Because they will be a good distraction, especially because they are aware of the situation.

10. Have The Positive Mindset

Here you need to worry less about what could go wrong and focus on the bright side. I want you to see the relationship as a learning journey for both of you. And also as a test of your love for each other.

11. Keep Your Relationship Private

So you have to avoid talking to too many people about your relationship. I want you to ignore the voices that will try to discourage you. And you have to know that people will have different opinions. And do your best to filter the negative ones, especially when your partner puts in the effort to make it work.

12. Make Plans For The Future

Make plans like where you will visit in the future, and things you will do together when you eventually meet. However, be realistic. Don’t say things you can’t do. And make sure you follow through with the plans you make.

13. Get To Know Each Other

This is an opportunity to know your partner well based on the quality of your conversations. So, the next thing is to bring practical situations and get his opinions. And this will help you understand the kind of person he/she is.

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14. Don’t Over Idealize Your Partner

He/she is human, remember, no one is perfect. So, it’s not difficult to reconcile the person in your head with the actual person.

15. Make Time To Visit 

I want you to take every opportunity you have to visit each other. Because face-to-face communication is also important in the relationship.

16. Consider Your Partner’s Feelings 

I want to tell you when flirting with that cute guy/girl or having an innocent drink with your ex, be careful. And so, do not intentionally put yourself in a situation that can hurt your partner or get them worried.


17. Avoid Irrational Actions 

When you are angry at your partner for something they said or did. You might regret your actions later.

So What?

Finally, I will tell you that long distance is no barrier for two hearts in love. So, focus on the love you share and make it work.

A long-distance relationship can also be beautiful if you put in the effort.

Maryann Nnaji: Maryann is a wife, mom, and professional chef. A serious lover of God, music, passionate about a happy family, and a motivational blogger. With a passion for helping you improve in life, knowing that with Christ Jesus, everything is possible.
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