
12 Best Tips on How to Love Yourself You Need to know


How do you learn to love yourself? Do you think it is not necessary? Why is this necessary? When you lack this, it will affect your self-worth; you no longer have self-respect. In this article, you will learn how to start loving yourself. Self-love has become a very popular term, but most people are not fully aware of what it means to love oneself.

So, What is it to love yourself?

To clarify, there are different definitions of self-love. But we will give you the dictionary definition: regard for one’s well-being and happiness. An author said it’s a state of appreciation for yourself that grows from actions that support your physical, psychological, and spiritual growth.

Loving yourself is a journey. It’s a conscious effort, a gradual process, that takes time and eventually becomes a habit.

Self-love is felt, and then it reflects in your actions. I want you to know that knowing yourself is the key to achieving this. So, pay attention to what your heart truly wants. Knowing yourself influences your choice of path in life.

Self-love influences you to make the right choices as you tread this path, for instance, choosing a spouse, your health, coping with problems, etcetera.

Self-love, self-respect, self-worth: there’s a reason they all start with self, you can’t find them in anyone else.


Here are a few steps to help you achieve This

1. Practice Mindfulness

Firstly, you must always be in charge of your thoughts and present. Also, control what you think, how you feel, and what you want. And never let people control or define them for you. This is vital.

2. Make Room For Healthy Habits

In other words, create healthy habits that improve you emotionally, mentally, and health-wise. Moreover, know that exercise, healthy eating, and proper rest play an important role. Don’t overwork yourself and the likes. Also, set boundaries for any habit or anything that harms or paints you poorly.

3. Surround Yourself With Good People

The best thing you can do for yourself is to surround yourself with family and friends who help you be the best version of yourself. Learn also to avoid people who drain you positively and downplay your success.

Also, your circle should inspire you and you should do the same to people.

Above all, you need to know that we all need the love and support from people who genuinely care about us to be motivated.

4. Forgive Yourself

In this aspect, most times, we are often our harshest critics. As a result, we punish ourselves too hard for mistakes we’ve made. I want you to know that you should be more compassionate to yourself.

Also, understanding that mistakes make you wiser and give room for growth. You may also know that holding on to your past limits you. Yes, it’s like a heavyweight that keeps dragging you backwards. So, get over your past.

5. Live Life Intentionally

That is to say, you need to find your purpose. After that, live with purpose. Always make decisions that propel you to achieve your purpose in life.

Moreover, invest in yourself. Also, take up habits that add more value to you. For example, reading more books, learning skills, taking courses that make you better equipped for your goals, pursuing your passion fiercely, etcetera.

Lastly, take daily actions; little consistent steps will give you the life you deserve.

6. Have An Optimistic Spirit

Being optimistic is essential in achieving self-love. It also helps to promote self-respect, helps to control emotions, and, best of all, it’s contagious.

Moreover, it gives you a reason for living and helps longevity. Want to avoid depression? Have a positive spirit.

Read also: 7 Best Ways To Fight Depression That You Need To Know About

7. Find Your Happy Place

There is a silent killer, and it’s called worry. Don’t give it power over you. When it rears its ugly head, indulge in things that give you genuine happiness. Always indulge yourself in hiking, cooking, running, or conversation with a friend.

Once in a while, give yourself a treat; it will make you happy. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and you can make it happen for yourself. It’s a choice. You deserve it. So love yourself.

8. Spread The Love

Spread love wherever you find yourself. And focus on the good and positive side of people. Allow your emotions to drip positively by appreciating and loving others as much as possible.

You can also spread love by being honest about your bad sides that hurt others and working on them. You will become a better you, and the people around you will be happier. Certainly, it’s a win-win situation.

9. Accept Things You Cannot Change

There are parts of you that you can’t change, such as your height, ears, etcetera. Accept them, understand you are still amazing that way, and there can be only one you. Still, Love “you”.

10. Tap Into Being Loved

It’s easy to love yourself when you are at your best. But hard on yourself when you are at your worst. Then imagine how you will react to a loved one at their worst, you are kind, compassionate, and accept them. 

Do the same for you. Let’s not confuse self-love with self-esteem. Because self-esteem is dependent on things you have achieved. You feel better about yourself then, but when they are taken away, you feel worthless and less valued.

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Irrespective of having plenty or few, being at the top or not, and having favourable conditions, self-love means still appreciating yourself. Have respect and love yourself, despite any circumstance.

11. Comparing Yourself

Comparison is a poison to self-love. When you compare, you are usually harsh with yourself. Therefore, compare your greatest flaws to someone’s greatest strengths. On the other hand, it reduces you in your mind. So, avoid comparison.

12. Gratitude And Positive Affirmations

A heart of gratitude lifts the spirit. So, always be grateful irrespective of what life throws at you, and back up gratitude with positive affirmations.

In addition, have a ritual of telling yourself beautiful things. And after the breakup, be grateful that the universe opened a door for the best partner to enter.

Remember to tell yourself you are beautiful and the best anyone can ever have. 

Here Are Some Tips

Meanwhile, you need to drown the negative voice by being grateful and allow the positive voice to scream louder via positive affirmations.

You are in this world for a reason. So, to fully achieve your purpose, you need to be in the best state. And how do you be in the best state? You need to love yourself truly. Then, you will give the best to others, making the world a better place.

To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.

Robert Morely

I need you to know that It can’t happen in a day; gradually practising each step. You can achieve this goal to love yorself, that I know.

Then, last but not least, believe in yourself and change your life for good. This is the key to success. Do you know that you lose yourself forever when you fail to believe in yourself? Believe in yourself and keep standing, no matter your shortcomings; never give up.

Has the financial crisis knocked you down? Falling doesn’t make you a failure. Staying down is what makes you a failure. Raise and love yourself again and again.


Firstly, I want you to get up. And see yourself as a moving train. Your breakthrough awaits you after the climb. 

Secondly, fear not to press on because you are a child of God. You need to know that life is a test. It is always too soon to quit. Persistence is a fire that will carry you through.

Thirdly, in faith, the mountain will move. So, you must keep fighting, for you will be a victor if you don’t give up. Know that the end is here and that no victory is without a fight.

Finally, be persistent, my friend, and “NEVER GIVE UP”

Thanks for reading!

I hope this article adds value to you. Are there any other new ways of achieving self-love you know? Let us know in the comment below, and help us reach more people by sharing with your friends and family.

Maryann Nnaji: Maryann is a wife, mom, and professional chef. A serious lover of God, music, passionate about a happy family, and a motivational blogger. With a passion for helping you improve in life, knowing that with Christ Jesus, everything is possible.

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