
10 Great Things About Loving Fathers You Need to Know


Have you ever wondered what the great things about dads are? Or what are the five things that make a great father? And you are reading this because you want to know about the responsibilities of a father.

Also, I have gone through a lot in my life. And I have learned a lot, and you know what they say that experience is the best teacher. So, I have chosen to share some life experiences about loving fathers. Meanwhile, loving fathers are self-sacrificing, and they protect their children.

So, let’s dive into the matter of the day.

Here are 10 great things about loving fathers.

1. They love their wife

However, you love your wife more without reservation as a loving father. And that is the number one thing, and that is the best thing you can do for your children. Also, even if you are divorced or separated, you have to treat the mother of your children with respect. Finally, even if she doesn’t respect you, you are doing it for your children because that is what they will grow up with.

2. They are always there for the children

You see, being there for your children is all about time. And how much time do you spend with your family? Above all, quality time is very good, that is why you have to make out time for your children. And remember, every one of us has the same 24 hours available. So, always be there whenever they need you and make yours count.

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3. They love their children unconditionally

In this aspect, ensure they know you love them no matter the condition. And this is one of the great things I love about loving fathers. But you don’t have to confuse this with permissiveness. Because unconditional love does not encourage the wrong kind of behaviour. I discovered that kids are secure with the father’s love that acts out less, not more.

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4. They always provide for the family

I cannot stop emphasizing this. Because this is the essence of being a father in the first place. Being a father is not impregnating the woman but providing and protecting the family. And this is one of the great things that makes you a father. Also, everyone can get a woman pregnant, but it takes more to be a great father.

5. They always take the hard step

In this aspect, the children want a father. However, they want someone who makes tough decisions, thinks things through and engages in life with responsibility—not the father who runs away from his responsibility. Also, the children want someone they can always count on.

6. They discipline their children

The fact is that children appreciate balance and love-drenched discipline. You can call it consistency. Without clearly defined boundaries, you all know that it is very difficult to grow up. Also, remember you don’t discipline your children to the extent of abusing them.

7. They teach their children to take responsibility

Loving fathers ensure their children know how to own up, clean up, and move forward. And not to get stuck. Also, they teach their children to take responsibility for their actions in whatever they do in life.

8. They value education

As a loving father, you don’t just read to your children, but you have to read with them. Another thing is that as a loving father, you don’t just get excited about their grades, but you get involved with their homework. And also participate in whatever the parent does in your children’s school.

9. They teach them to love this life

I have found out that the best predictor of happiness in children is their parents’ happiness. Yes, because the children learn from whatever the parents are doing. And if we learn how to love this life and then pass that blessing to our children, they will be well prepared for satisfaction.

10. They raise their children to leave

This is the simple goal of the parent. Yes! Being a family and parenting your children doesn’t look more complicated. Also, your duty as a parent is to raise your children to be well-equipped to leave home and establish faithful lives. And not to raise them to be your slave.

Thanks for reading!

And I hope this adds value to you? Also, let us know if there are other things we need to add to this in the comment. And remember to share this post with your friends and family.

Maryann Nnaji: Maryann is a wife, mom, and professional chef. A serious lover of God, music, passionate about a happy family, and a motivational blogger. With a passion for helping you improve in life, knowing that with Christ Jesus, everything is possible.
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