
10 Bad Habits That Are Holding You Back From Improving Your Life


You are knowing that it is easy to fall into bad habits but hard to break would be helpful. And while some bad habits may not seem like much at the time, they often have adverse effects on other areas of your life and health in general. What habits that hinder your success? Here’s a list of ten bad habits holding you back from improving your life in ways you can’t imagine.

1) Procrastination

In today’s society, procrastination is used loosely and has become a justification for laziness. Give up this habit for the sake of your personal life and the people around you. What are some of these bad habits that you need to drop? Please share with us in the comments!

2) Comfort Eating

It’s easy to get into eating when you’re feeling down or just because it’s dinner time. If you are trying to be healthier, resist the urge and find other ways to make yourself feel better. Exercise is a great mood booster, and talking to friends and family members who care about you.

3) Ignoring Self-Care

Self-care is not just about beauty. It’s all about taking care of your physical and mental health so you can take care of everything else.

Knowing when something isn’t right with you is crucial, and making changes as needed is vital. For example, if it turns out that your personal life is suffering because you’re working too hard. It would be wise to adjust your schedule or delegate more work tasks. Remember: living a healthy lifestyle means caring for your body and mind!

4) Underachieving at Work

It can be challenging to acknowledge that you’re underachieving at work and affecting your personal life. But this is an essential step in the process of change. Once you admit it, you can start looking for ways to improve the situation. Asking for help is often a significant first step because it can take time to see what we need when we’re right in the middle.

A coach or mentor might also help you set goals and determine how to reach them. It may be time to change careers if these strategies don’t work. 

Another step is to ask someone who knows more about your field than you will give you perspective on the problem area(s). A coach or mentor may also have insight into how to get past obstacles and break down tasks into manageable chunks.

5) Waiting Until the Last Minute Is one of the Bad Habits You Need To Eliminate

Waiting until the last minute is a terrible habit that causes stress about everything. If you need to do something, you must do it now. In addition, if you’re waiting until the last minute, you won’t do it. Procrastination can lead to making worse decisions in the long run that will negatively affect your life.

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6) Neglecting Social Connections

Neglecting social connections is one of the calamities that can happen to your personal life. The benefits of maintaining relationships with friends, family, and co-workers are overwhelming. A lack of social connection may lead to depression, loneliness, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. It would be helpful if you took a few minutes each day to make that phone call, text message, or visit someone in person.

7) Unhealthy Attitudes

Some of the unhealthy attitudes are:

A. Self-criticism – I’m not good enough, and nothing I do is good enough.

B. Perfectionism – I need to be perfect in everything and anything that I do; otherwise, it’s a failure. 

C. Low self-esteem – No one likes me, I have no skills, and people don’t want to work with me; therefore, my life will always be miserable.

D. Fear of what others think—What will people think if they see me eat? What will people say about me when I lose weight? They’ll judge how fat or skinny I am. They won’t like me anymore because of this change.

E. Negative thinking – Nothing ever goes right for me, so why try? There’s no point in trying because there will be no success.

F. Lack of patience – If something doesn’t happen as soon as I want, then forget about it! It’s not going to happen. 

G. Difficulty making decisions – I need help deciding what shirt to wear today, and I can’t decide on an idea either! It feels impossible to make these choices, so whatever I wear or the idea I come up with must be wrong.

8) Low Energy Levels

When you have low energy levels, it can feel like you’re stuck in the mud. It’s hard to do anything. It is the first bad habit that needs to go. Staying hydrated throughout the day and taking walks outside to boost your energy levels naturally is essential.

9) Being Stubborn

Being stubborn is a common bad habit that can prevent you from achieving your goals. Determined people refuse to admit they are wrong. They will not consider other people’s opinions and cannot easily be convinced to change their minds. These qualities may be helpful in some circumstances. Still, listening and considering other options before making decisions is best.

10) Having Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can be a difficult habit to break. When you have negative thoughts, they are the only reasonable response to your current situation. But these thoughts only worsen things and keep you in a negative mindset.

To stop having negative thoughts, you must notify them when they arise and prevent yourself from spiralling down into negativity.


It may be challenging to drop bad habits, but it is worth the effort. The better your personal life, the more you can accomplish in other areas. These ten bad habits can hold you back from a fulfilling personal life, so start dropping them today!

Maryann Nnaji: Maryann is a wife, mom, and professional chef. A serious lover of God, music, passionate about a happy family, and a motivational blogger. With a passion for helping you improve in life, knowing that with Christ Jesus, everything is possible.

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